3 Signs That It’s Time For a Website Refresh

November 28, 2019

Bilal Ahmad

Website Design

Business website refreshes can be daunting for many business owners, with even the simplest DIY solutions  costing more than $100. The website will also be down for the duration of the redesign, eliminating any revenue that it would have gathered. Still, if  sales figures have not been on the rise, a business owner would do well to gauge whether their websites have been pulling their weight, and apply solutions for any sectors that may lack in a successful site strategy.

Feeling of Outdatedness

This can be caused by a whole host of issues, from big things like a lack of social media linkage to little things like antiquated user interface aesthetics. Mainly, however, what gives websites a stale feeling is content that seldom gets updated.Websites with frequently updated data have a higher Google content ranking, plus it’s better to keep updating the content on your site to maintain relevance. If stale content is the main reason your website feels outdated, you can try to update your own content yourself by rephrasing text and adding relevant keywords. Try this and check the analytics to see if this has improved the situation. If not, you may need to consult professional copywriters for a content refresh.

You Aren’t Getting the Most Out of Your Traffic

Inefficient traffic can come in the form of high bounce rates or not being able to generate sales from visitors. This can be especially troublesome if the website is the primary means by which the business generates revenue. Visitor bouncing – that is, people leaving the website shortly after visiting – is most often caused by people not finding what they want on the site quickly enough. This can be due to slow loading times, insufficient information, a misleading title/meta description, or a general lack of user-friendliness. If visitors don’t bounce but still aren’t generating revenue, experts suggest consulting Google Analytics and Usertesting.com to pinpoint specific  areas that tend to discourage visitors. Marking specific pages on the website and having those overhauled, rather than revamping the whole site, saves a substantial amount of money and time. If you’re unsure about what’s causing traffic inefficiency, it would be best to consult experts on  website design to figure out a solution that’s right for you.

Incompatibilities with Mobile Devices

Many websites’ main issue is  not being mobile-friendly enough. This can be due to several factors, but the most prominent of these is that the website’s appearance simply does not mesh well with mobile displays. An easy way to check whether your website is accommodating to mobile devices is Google Analytics, which categorizes website accesses according to device. If traffic from these mobile devices is lacking, consider investing in a redesign that focuses on responsiveness to a broad range of devices. Investing in this sector would widen the access options for your customers, allowing them to purchase on your site wherever they may be.

Website refreshes and redesigns can be costly, but just as with a physical business establishment, a fresh coat of paint here and a new piece of furniture there can leave your business looking state-of-the-art.

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