5 Tech Tools That Will Be Vital to Business Operations in the Future

July 19, 2019

Bilal Ahmad

To Do List Business

There are many ways technology has made our lives easier and better throughout human history. From the invention of telephones and computers to developments in medicine, technology has the potential to change every aspect of our lives. One area where technology has had incredible impact is the business world—and it’s not the robots or hover boards we expected. Nope, business technology isn’t about frivolousness or extravagance—it’s more about necessity. From automation to improvements in safety and language, there are many advancements in business tech you need to have on your radar.

In this post, we’re talking about the 5 tech tools that will quickly become vital to your business operations in the next few years.

1) Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Back in the day, many people speculated that artificial intelligence would have something to do with life sized metal robots (picture Rosie the Robot), but artificial technology hasn’t really turned out to be quite like what we imagined, not yet anyway.

At this point, most consumers are familiar with AI and many of them already use it in their day to day lives, whether they use Amazon Echo, Siri, or rideshare applications like Uber and Lyft. AI as it is today helps humans interact with their devices and applications as if they were dealing with another human on the other side of their screen.

So, what does the future of AI look like for businesses? AI certainly isn’t going anywhere—quite the opposite, actually. Salesforce experts predict that as AI technology improves, it will begin to take over tasks and responsibilities that have been assigned to humans in the past. Things like fraud prevention, customer targeting, and training will soon be handled by machines rather than employees. Yes, this has the potential to affect employment and threaten jobs, but it can also improve efficiency and open new doors for other important positions. Salesforce says companies should start preparing for integrated AI and human teams by implementing training processes and restructuring their business growth models as soon as possible.

2) Natural Language Processing

One of the biggest challenges consumers and businesses face when adopting AI technology is the inconsistency when it comes to communicating with their devices. You know, when you ask your phone to “call Sarah” and it ends up dialing your ex “Aaron”…The good news is, natural language processing is continuing to improve along with AI technology.

What this means for your business: better AI customer service interactions, increased opportunities for chatbots, and more simplified daily operations.

3) Cloud Computing

The days of filing decades of paperwork and manually organizing data are long behind us, thanks to cloud computing. Cloud computing is essentially a method to organize and store data without the need for a user to initiate or control the process. Many businesses already use cloud computing services such as Dropbox and Google Drive, but these technologies are expected to continue to advance over the next few years. For businesses, cloud computing could take the place of certain administrative tasks that may have been previously performed by a human employee.

4) Virtual and Augmented Reality

Did you know virtual and augmented realities have been around for nearly 30 years? We’ve seen these technologies slowly enter both the consumer and commercial markets already, and they’re only going up from here. The biggest advantage VR and AR have in the future of business technology is the ability to simulate real life experiences that can improve training and safety tests for things like surgeries and transportation.

5) Super-fast Transportation

Since technology has become so much more prevalent in the business world, many companies have moved toward remote work opportunities to allow more flexibility for their employees and their businesses. While there are many positives to remote work, there is still a need for face-to-face interaction in order to get business done. But how do you connect with business partners and staff when you’re halfway across the country? Meet Hyperloop. Hyperloop is a high-speed transit system currently in development stages with Virgin Airlines. The tube-like train will be able to transport passengers up to 600mph when it’s complete. Not only will this technology revolutionize the tourism industry, but it could also provide a better option for business people to travel and meet with their colleagues and employees face-to-face.


Use these tips to stay ahead of the latest trends in business technology.

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